Sunday, September 28, 2008
Boys in Motion
In addition, Dallin decided it was time to remove the training wheels from his bike. He picked it up really fast. During Mike's lunch break from work, Dallin was off and riding. Go Dallin!
Blake is on the move, too. It's time to baby proof our house!
Fat Guy In A Little Tub

Friday, September 26, 2008
Dallin Goes to School
While Caleb made the cut-off into Kindergarten by a month, Dallin missed it by the same amount. Although the boys are only two years and two months apart, Caleb will be in third grade before Dallin even starts Kindergarten. Dallin has expressed to me many times that he feels big enough and smart enough to be in school with Caleb (I understand his competitive nature because I am a second child too ... sorry Kim).
I was happy to discover a cute little preschool that is based out of Caleb's elementary school. The teachers are great, and Dallin was lucky to be one of the students chosen off the waiting list. Dallin attends Monday and Wednesday for a few hours. It's perfect for him, and he loves it.
With great excitement, Dallin described his first day of school to the family over dinner. On that particular day, he did a craft using silly string, played at the sand/water table, swung in the reading hammock, and built a fort with blocks. After hearing his activities described in detail, Caleb said, "You are so LUCKY. We just do learning things in my class." Since then, when Dal attends school, he comes home with a full report. "Today in my class we ate treats, drew pictures, sang songs, played outside, etc. Did your class do that Caleb?"
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Monkey See, Monkey Do
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Downtown Denver
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Everybody Loves KungFu Panda

Can't go wrong with Star Wars. Thanks Heath and Gret:)
Sunday, September 7, 2008
The Trio
Lessons Learned in Granby

2.) Dad is not the only one out there ... their are others who appear equally obsessed!

3.) Never judge a restaurant by the greatness of its chairs. While walking through the cute town of Granby, we were on the look out for a place to eat. I spotted this little restaurant and was inspired by the dining area. Although nobody else in town seemed to have found this place to be the gem I felt it was, I saw potential. Following my lead, everyone sat down to enjoy a meal. After searching for service, we ordered, we waited, we then waited more, we ate and $36.15 later we left feeling hungry and unsatisfied. Next time we'll know to follow the crowds and save the empty restaurants with the cool chairs for other unsuspecting tourists.

The Parkins Visit
Some of our best friends came to visit for a weekend and we were excited to spend some time with them. Their family brings balance to ours with their three adorable girls. I, for one, welcome the purses, flowers, and hair ties that accompany our little guests. The boys, however, like the fact that these girls enjoy the horses, trampoline, and four wheeler just as much as they do. All in all, we had a great time with them.