This week we had a great time with cousins. The Willis girls came for a visit and they were lots of fun. For their spring break, they decided to join us in snowy Utah. We took a few trips out in the snow, but had just as much fun indoors. On one morning we decided to make a slide using the boys beds. I don't know what was more enjoyable...the actual slide, or making funny faces for the camera.
The human train was a one shot experiment. There was little padding provided at the bottom and this train ended in a pile up.
We decided to take it one at a time instead.
Dal loves these girls.
P.S. At first I thought it wouldn't be nice to post this picture. Upon further thought, however, I decided it's just far to funny and needed to be shared. I especially love the look of pure delight on Mary's face. Good thing she's such a great sport.
A photographer friend of ours wanted to practice some shots to accomplish a certain effect. This is what she came up with. I thought it was pretty cool and especially love how the sun looks. I also love the squinty-eyed similarity of all three of my boys.
This Saturday we had a fun family day. The boys like to plan family outings as a reward for helping out and being good kids. This outing included a trip to the Aquarium, a dollar movie (Bedtime Stories), and dinner at their new favorite restaurant (an all you can eat Asian buffet). As a bonus, we were able to watch Aunt Dee play her final season basketball game on T.V. with Aunt Suz and Bri TAN y. It was action packed and fun:)
When we arrived at the aquarium there was a line wrapping around the building. We didn't realize the popularity of a new exhibit "Journey to South America". Fortunately, as members, we were able to sneak in for a sneak peak and avoid most of the crowds.
The boys favorite part is trying to touch the sting rays. Blake especially got into it this time, however, he enjoyed splashing more then anything.