After a little waiting for all to arrive, we are ready to hike to the caves.
Goofy, goofy, goofy. Can you tell we're all related?

About halfway up the trail we take a little rest on the perfect rock. Ironically, the
Swenson family cousins rested on this very same rock twenty years ago for an equally cute photo shoot.

A little bug ... a lot of attention!

Caleb adds spunk to a father/son photo of cousin Luke and Uncle Jim.
Dallin spent most of the hike on the shoulders of whoever was willing to give him a lift. Most of the time it was his cousin

While cousins were curious about the different rock formations in the cave, Caleb had other things in mind. When asked by the ranger if there were any questions Caleb had just one, "why is it so
scary in here"?
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