Dallin, Blake and I went to the doctor for some immunization shots the other day. In an effort to prepare Dal for the experience I told him how important it was to be brave. I was going to explain it would hurt just a bit, but would keep him healthy in the long run. However, before I got the chance, he cut me off and said, "Mom, don't worry, I am not going to cry for these shots. I am going to smile so I can get them over with quickly." Great! This is going to be easier then I thought. We went in, were called back, and Dal was sitting in a chair next to the nurse when he said, "Wait, I thought you were talking about picture shots not needle shots ...ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" There went the smile and all attempts at bravery. This is a "shot" of him reenacting his initial reaction. I still keep thinking to myself, "Sorry Dallin."

Blake responded to the shots with even more drama. This picture was taken shortly after the tears had subsided, but if you look closely you can still see the tear (and snot) stained hoodie:(

All is well that ends well:)
SO CUTE! I love these boys! I'm glad they've still got smiles on their faces after those shots! :)
Great story, Joyce. That's one we'll never forget. I guess that is a kid's first reaction when that kid happens to be a super-model. Thanks for sharing.
Wow Blake is looking so cute. He has gotten so big since we saw him last June. Dallin I am so proud of you. You were so brave.
Funny comment Dave and Nicole. I find the sad part about the story to be the fact that Dallin felt restraining tears was necessary for a photo shoot. I guess that testifies to the fact that his mother (and grandmother) can be a bit obsessive when it comes to taking pictures. Immunizations and photo shoots thus sum up the sad life of a four year old.
I feel your pain. I just took Aly for a flu shot and her 2-year shots. Having a little girl is total drama! This is the first time she's been old enough to remember and react...in other words hold a grudge. I've heard about her "owie, hurt leg" and "no more Doctor" for the past week now. Especially when I am not paying attention to her (trying to make dinner or clean-up or something) she plops down on the ground and starts crying over her "owie". What a drama queen. At least your little guys seemed to snap back pretty quickly.
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