On Saturday Blake turned 1 year old. We celebrated with some chocolate cake and ice cream. This year has gone by so fast I could hardly believe this little guys already one. Blake has been such a pleasant addition to our famliy. His big Hanchett grin and belly roll laugh keep us entertained.

At one year Blake...
*refers to food as na na (I think because he loves bananas). He will request it pleasantly at first, but quickly demand it(na na, na na, Na NA, NA NA, NAAAAA NAAAAA).
*loves to take baths. The other day, I was running a tub and doing my hair. Blake was standing at the side while the water filled up. I looked down when I heard a splash and saw that he had climbed in with all his clothes on. He was soaking wet and smiling.
*is beginning to walk. He has been timid up until now, but lately has been braving it on his own.
*enjoys wrestling and tickling. He'll jump in on the boys wrestling matches and crawl up to me requesting ickle, ickle:) Love it!
*refuses to cuddle. He is so active that cuddling with him is rare.
*adores his big brothers. When he's awake, he wants to be with them. Often when I go in to get him from his nap he is looking out the window at his brothers playing basketball or jumping on the trampoline. He also knows where their room is and will crawl to the door and wait for them there. It's awsome to see.

Chocolate kisses from Aunt Sarah??? I don't think so!!!

1 comment:
He is such a cutie with his chubby cheeks! And he has good taste in birthday cakes, just like his Uncle Dave.
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