Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Enjoying our last day in San Diego

How cool are those reflections?

How cool is this baby?

How uncool is this attempt at jumping?

They take after their mother:)
Mike tries jumping with the baby in a Bjorn (careful to secure the oh so fragile infant neck) ... we both conclude this is not the greatest idea.

A Day at Disneyland

This year we spent Thanksgiving in California with my sister Kimberly and her family. We had a great time. Since the weekend marked some big milestones for our family (Dallin's 5th birthday and our 10th wedding anniversary) we decided to spend a day at Disneyland. It turned out to be a great experience. This is a picture of Dal sportin' the birthday button that Aunt Kim picked up for him.

These two are great buddies. Both seem happy to be at the "Happiest Place on Earth"

Splash Mountain was a favorite for all. After our third time down, we decided to get creative. I love that Kim and Caleb made the exact same face.

After our first time down Splash Mountain Caleb had ducked for the great fall. When we hit the bottom he popped up and said, "I don't know why they call it Splash Mountain, I didn't even get wet." At that moment a wave splashed over the side of the log and smacked him in the face. The timing could not have been better. We laughed about it all day long.

Two little monkies in Tarzan's hut.

Dallin wasn't sure what to think of this guy.

Jedi training was a hit. Both Caleb and Dallin were chosen from the crowd of screaming young Jedi's to practice with the master trainer. Caleb's eagerness to train was evident and consequently he was one of the first chosen. For some tense moments Dallin sat back with equal eagerness, but a little more reserve, waiting to see if he was going to be selected. The combined FORCE of Uncle Steve, Aunt Kim, and Mom's will, along with Dad throwing him up and down for visibility resulted in him being chosen next to last.

After training, the young Jedi's were able to test their new skills on the real bad guys. Caleb and Dallin both fought well and the Jedi's were victorious in the end. Caleb, however, informed us that it is much easier to defeat the dark side on Star Wars Lego video games then in real life.

While the older boys were busy defeating the dark side, Blake invested his efforts in defeating his cousin, Sienna, in a war over cheese puffs. Poor Sienna is an only child not accustom to the quick hands and cunning technique of a third child in an all boy family. Sorry baby girl!

Our Pet Goats

We weren't sure what we were getting into when we took on our latest pets.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy, Happy Halloween!

Hello from Mr. Scarecrow.

A pirate attack.

The candy monster ...one feared by all!

Carving Pumpkins

After picking the perfect pumpkin at the pumpkin patch, we decided to carve it for FHE. You really can't beat a night of family fun ... especially if it involves Papa Murphy's and Halloween tunes.


Dallin, Blake and I went to the doctor for some immunization shots the other day. In an effort to prepare Dal for the experience I told him how important it was to be brave. I was going to explain it would hurt just a bit, but would keep him healthy in the long run. However, before I got the chance, he cut me off and said, "Mom, don't worry, I am not going to cry for these shots. I am going to smile so I can get them over with quickly." Great! This is going to be easier then I thought. We went in, were called back, and Dal was sitting in a chair next to the nurse when he said, "Wait, I thought you were talking about picture shots not needle shots ...ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" There went the smile and all attempts at bravery. This is a "shot" of him reenacting his initial reaction. I still keep thinking to myself, "Sorry Dallin."

Blake responded to the shots with even more drama. This picture was taken shortly after the tears had subsided, but if you look closely you can still see the tear (and snot) stained hoodie:(

All is well that ends well:)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Concert in the Park

This weekend we watched an a capella group perform in the park. The group was named Eclipse (their website is http://www.eclipsesingers.com). They were very talented and entertaining.

I tried to sneak a photo of these three enjoying the show...

but I got caught!