I wanted to think of a way to make Valentine’s Day special for the boys. They knew it was approching, and I felt it was important to celebrate my love for them. In the end, my offering was simply this surprise heart attack with hidden valentine notes and some candy treats.
I attacked them late at night after returning home from work. Secretly, I posted my pre-cut hearts and arranged the treats around the room. When I was finished I walked back to my bedroom imagining their surprise in the morning. When I arrived at my door, I discovered I had been heart attacked as well. I fell asleep that night loving my family and feeling loved by them.
The next morning we laughed about our heart attacks and had a nice breakfast while watching Planet Earth. In the afternoon we decided to go swimming as a family. One of our neighbors has offered a standing invite for us to use their indoor pool. We decided that a family swim would be a fun Valentine’s treat. We really enjoyed swimming and playing ball at their pool. With no lifeguards on duty, however, I assumed the role myself. I encouraged the boys to wear life jackets, to take turns on the diving board/slide , and to walk slowly along the slippery surfaces.
I should have paid more attention to my own advice. Not long after we arrived, I was excited to show Blake a certain pool toy. I hurried toward the bin to get it. In doing so, I slipped onto my back side. It pained me to fall so hard on the concrete and to confirm once again that I am one who often falls far from the definition of grace. I was left with a giant bruise on my hip and a dent in my pride. I was embarrassed, but when I caught eyes with Michael his look communicated, “that wasn’t pretty, but I still think you are.” It definitely wasn’t a moment I was proud of, but it’s a moment that has brought me comfort since.
This Valentine’s Day I am grateful for the gift of knowing that I’m married to a man who loves me when I’ve got my best foot forward, as well as when I slip and fall on my butt. Also, I am grateful to have other family members and close friends with whom I share similar confidence. It's empowering to feel unconditionally loved. I hope that is what Dallin was feeling when he stomped up to me wearing his swim suit and snow boots to say, "This was the best Valentine's Day, don't you think mom?"