Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Good Morning Dallin

One of my favorite times of the day is the morning. After a good night sleep, the boys usually wake up happy and excited to tackle a new day. The other morning, however, was an exception. I found it quite entertaining and I thought I'd share...
Me: Morning buddy!
Dallin: I had a disaster night.
Me: I’m sorry… Did you have a bad dream?
Dallin: No! It’s just Caleb kept snoring and snoring all the time.
Me: Oh!
Dallin: I tried to get rid of him.
Me: Really!
Dallin: Yeah, first I closed his mouth. That didn’t work! Then I squeezed his nose. That didn’t even work! Then I just put my pillow over my head.
Me: Did that work?
Dallin: No. The only thing that worked was waking up.
Me: Well, good morning. I’m glad you’re awake.
Dallin: Ugh!
I guess it was just one of those days.


Tiff said...


That is awesome.

Caywoods said...

Tell Dallin I know exactly how he feels. His Uncle Devin keeps me up some nights and no matter how hard I try..nothing seems to stop the monster snoring by my side. :)

AFC said...

I have a snore monster husband at my house too.. the only revenge is that I am now pregnant with my 3rd and pregnancy tends to make me snore! So it is payback I least for the next 5 months until the baby is born!