Saturday, October 17, 2009

Caleb's Baptism

Today was a very special day for Caleb. He was baptized! We are so proud of him and grateful for his example. He is such an amazing kid. We love being his parents and watching him grow.

Blake enjoyed the baptism...especially the refreshments. When Caleb went into the font with Michael, Blake kept reaching for them and saying, "I want it, I want it." I'm pretty sure he thought they were swimming and wanted to join in.

Sadly, the best shot of the whole crew. I adore these guys!


Mama and Papa Swenson said...

I am so happy you posted. Everyone looks so happy. I wish I could have joined in the fun. Caleb, we are all proud of you.
XOXO Love, Grandma and Grandpa XOXO

Willis Family said...

We are so proud of you, Caleb...and Mike and have such an adorable family. It was an honor to be there with you guys. Love, luf, luv you to pieces...
ps...we are a very lucky little clan to have one another...AZ never looked so good, and now CO is looking warmer even though it's freezing outside!

D said...

Wow, what a big little man! Congrats, Caleb. We are so proud of you.

venegasfamily said...

Joyce- so fun to see the pictures! I wish that we could have been there. Caleb (and Dall and Blake) look so grown up! I love you all. Thanks for posting these pictures!
Miss you-sus

Anonymous said...

Yay! Congrats! What a cutie! I'm glad luke got to be there. Hope you are good.

Choochie55 said...

Hi there Joyce and Michael.. my name is Cheryl and I'm from Canada. I have recently had the misfortune of being fooled by someone portraying to be the two of you.. I was wondering if you would mind emailing me so I could explain to you exactly what this person did .. and hopefully he can be stopped from doing it again... thank u in advance...

Juliann said...

Wow--8 already???? I love these pictures...he looks so proud! Caleb is such a good mix of you and Mike! Hope you're doing well.