Sunday, November 6, 2011

Happy Halloween

This Halloween we had fun coming up with costumes. The boys definitely had their opinions on the matter. Caleb created a joker get-up complete with checker pants, a funky tie, and home made hat. He wore it with pride and a huge joker smile. Dallin went for the skeleton costume. He thought it would be cool to glow in the dark.

Blake has had his costume idea for months. During our last move, he became well acquainted with The Karate Kid. Daniel-son is his new favorite character and "the crane" is his new favorite fighting move. Tyler, didn't really have a choice in the matter. This cow costume was a steal and the butt alone made it irresistible.

We joined a couple cute Care Bear cousins for neighborhood trick-or-treating and scored big on candy. The big boys ran ahead to ensure they hit the entire block while little guys hung back. Even Tyler caught on to the Trick- or-Treating concept, although he only seemed interested in approaching the door when the sucker in his hand ran out:)

We also were pleased to have discovered "Peter Pumpkin" again this year. Each year, we try to pick the right pumpkin out of the patch. If we're lucky, after carving him, we light him up and see if he talks. Peter knows our family well and it's always fun to have a conversation with him on Halloween night.

1 comment:

Blackburns said...

Yea you posted! What cute costume ideas. So excited to see you, can't wait.